William Mitchell


William George Mitchell (born 1925) is an English sculptor, artist and designer. He is best known for his large scale concrete murals and public works of art from the 1960s and 1970s.

Instagram can be a wonderful discovery tool. Earlier this week LF markey ( A must follow if you don't already) posted the work of William Mitchell and I was hooked. Luckily William has a website which documents much of his work . Below are some of my favourites. Having spent 3 years living almost next door to the Metropolitan Catherdral in Liverpool I am rather ashamed that it has taken me this long to discover his wonderful work. I think I may plan a pilgrimage to Swiss Cottage Community Centre * to make up for it.

* On a side note I accidentally walked past Swiss Cottage community centre last weekend. Unfortunately William's mural is no longer there.



Elad Lassry


Christina Schou Christensen